Tony Smith

Wentworth NSW Australia
Tony Smith typifies the Australian country way of life.
Born and raised on the lower Darlking Murray Basin region at Balcatherine Station, 45 kilometres from the historic town of Wentworth, Tony lived and breathed the land through the good times and bad as every farmer does. From droughts, floods, fires to epic lake bed wheat crops, booming wool and sheep prices and back again.
Working far and wide to make end smeet, Tony went from mustering buffal in the NT to shearing sheep in most states of Australia and more recently, the mining industy as an "all-rounder" meaning drives anything.
Tony's life experiences are records in his music with songs such as "Shearer" (recorded by James Blundell on his Portrait Of A Man CD) and "Little Desert" which charted at #30 in the HOT FM Top 40.
Tony fell away from the music scene over 20 years ago. Whilst playing at the Tamworth Country Music Festival, his wife Ana noticed something not right with their nearly full term baby Kelsey Roy Smith.
Tony and Ana flew home where Kelsey was stillborn at Mildura Base Hospital. A few months later Tony was diagnosed with cancer which knock the still staggering family for another six.
Looking back, Tony thinks he should have pursued his music but his natural instinct was to focus on and protect what he hold most dear - his loving wife and children. Music took a back seat for many years for Tony but his kids have music in their veins and are chasing their dreams as performers in their own right.
Tony is again ready for his songs and music to be heard, so enjoy the music.